采風智匯於 AFOS 亞洲骨鬆聯盟國際學術研討會中發表研究成果
我們在今年AFOS (Asian Federal Osteoporosis Society) 亞洲骨鬆聯盟國際學術研討會中發表研究成果,分享采風智匯DeepXrayTM Coxa 產品的研發成果和後續臨床應用的優異表現。此次發表獲現場與會國際臨床專家、學者的肯定及廣泛迴響,期待未來透過采風智匯的DeepXrayTM Coxa 能夠進一步提昇骨質疏鬆症的篩檢量能,及早發現並提昇病識感,減少老齡人口骨折之風險與龐大醫療負擔。
We presented the research findings at AFOS (Asian Federal Osteoporosis Society) conference this year, showcasing the development progress and outstanding performance in the clinical application of DeepXrayTM Coxa. The presentation received broad acknowledgment from international medical experts with the expectation that DeepXrayTM Coxa will decrease the risk of elderly fractures and medical expenditures through elevating osteoporosis screening capabilities, early detection, and patient awareness.