采風智匯受 Startup Island TAIWAN 的邀請赴日發表與交流

AIM采風智匯於912日上午受Startup Island TAIWAN的邀請,於日本關東的創新基地橫濱。AIM采風智匯與GogolookJia KengNextDriveProfetAIQT MedicalTuring Drive7家新創,全程使用日文簡報。

AIM采風智匯由共同創辦人&執行長李文豪Eric Lee代表,並提到隨著全球老年人口持續增加,伴隨著的慢性病已經成為一個嚴重的全球議題。AIM采風智匯運用 AI 技術賦能第一線醫療院所,可以透過既有的X光及超音波設備,運用DeepSono™診斷慢性心臟疾病、DeepXray™診斷慢性骨疾病。提供高齡慢性病患者「早期發現」、「精準診斷」、「病情追蹤」的全方位智慧醫療服務。

September 12th. AIM was invited by Startup Island TAIWAN to attend a gathering that took place at the innovation hub: Yokohama, Japan. The event brought together AIM with seven startups, including Gogolook, Jia Keng, NextDrive, ProfetAI, QT Medical, and Turing Drive, which all delivered the entire presentation in English.

AIM was represented by Cofounder & General Manager Mr. Eric Lee, he mentioned that AIM empowers points-of-care with AI technology by utilizing existing X-ray and ultrasound equipment. DeepSono™ for diagnosing chronic heart diseases and DeepXray™ for diagnosing chronic bone diseases. This enables comprehensive intelligent healthcare services for elderly patients, including “early detection,” “precise diagnosis,” and “disease monitoring. “



2023 Together, Go Big. Japan-Taiwan Startup Summit | Startup Island TAIWAN